Friday, February 28, 2014

Take Control of Student Loan Debt

According to the Federal Reserve, student loan debt is the only form of consumer debt that has grown since the peak of consumer debt in 2008. The latest Fed reports states, “Balances of student loans have eclipsed both auto loans and credit cards, making student loan debt the largest form of consumer debt outside of mortgages.” The Fed keeps an eye on these numbers to determine their impact on the nation’s overall economic growth. On an individual level, most student loan holders are well aware of the direct impact on their lifestyle. A significant portion of their income has to be allocated toward student loan debt payments. That means less money for other expenses like mortgages, automobiles and daily living. Since lenders consider debt/income ratios, borrowers with high student loan debt may be denied loans or face higher interest rates.
Student loan debt does not magically go away. So, the best strategy is to take action. Find out exactly how much you owe and the type of loan – federal or private. You can retrieve information about federal student loans at . In the case of federal student loans there are many types of repayment options. A repayment and comparison calculator to help you analyze those options is available at www.  .  If you are employed in the public sector investigate the Public Student Loan Forgiveness program. Try to avoid delinquencies and default. These options can be costly and can  lead to wage or other types of garnishments.

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